In a world where musical fusion has become an art form, the dynamic duo of Yves Murasca, the Déepalma label boss, and his production partner in crime, Rosario Galati, have conjured up something truly special to enchant your senses with their latest masterpiece.
‘Close Your Eyes’ is a mesmerizing journey through the ethereal soundscapes of organic house. Picture this: smooth, laidback rhythms, tantalizing spoken female vocals, dancing around delicate piano melodies that tug at your heartstrings, and the subtle magic of flying drum fills and arpeggios that elevate the entire experience.
The result? ‘Close Your Eyes’ is a tranquil oasis of sound, a sonic adventure that invites you to close your eyes and let the music guide you to a realm of pure serenity. It’s the kind of track that can transport you to a beach at sunset or an underground club in the heart of the city, all with its distinct organic flair.
Mark your calendars for November 10, 2023, because ‘Close Your Eyes’ is coming to grace your playlists and take you on a musical journey; it’s a reminder that sometimes, all you need to do is close your eyes to truly experience the beauty of music.
Yves Murasca & Rosario Galati’s ‘Close Your Eyes’ drops on 10th November 2023 via Déepalma Records.
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